- 5th February 2018
- Dog Articles, Guest Article
- 13 Wags
- 0 Growls
The response to my post on February 3rd re-"The Importance of Breed Specialist Judges” has been overwhelming. I have received over 300 acknowledgements, messages, emails and telephone calls, expressing great concern about the impending introduction of the new J. C. F.
Many respondents feel that the process is becoming too rushed, and that decisions are being made without factual evidence. Definitely, the fee of £26 per annum is felt to be totally unrealistic. In fact, 50% of the respondents have decided to retire from judging or are seriously considering to do so rather than pay £26 per annum to remain as an active championship show judge.
Here are some responses from the most senior and respected breed specialists and breeders :-
“This is a planned culling of breed specialists.”
“I feel that my services as a breed specialist are no longer required.”
“This is the end of the breed specialist judge.”
Many people feel that the privileged few are being fast-tracked to all-rounder status without having the necessary knowledge or experience. They feel that it is simply a question of ticking boxes. The justifiable concerns go on and on.
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Please be aware that there is presently no reliable factual evidence on the actual number of active breed specialist championship show judges. It would be hasty for the Kennel Club to make any further decisions on breed specialist judges until an accurate number has been ascertained. My own estimate of the number of active breed specialists would be a modest 6,000. Others quote a figure as high as 15,000. The fact remains that no-one presently has this information.
The reaction to my initial post indicates that up to 50% of breed specialist judges will retire from judging or are on the brink of retiring, rather than pay £26 per annum. This could result in losing between 3,000 and 7,500 judges. Can you imagine the devastating effect this would have on the world of pedigree dogs? THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN !!!
I ask a great favour of all breed specialist championship show judges. It is simply to answer two questions:-
1. Have you decided to or are you contemplating retiring from judging rather than pay £26 per annum to remain an active championship show judge?
2. If you retire from judging as a consequence of this annual fee, would you be prepared use your experience and knowledge by mentoring aspiring judges?
Your responses will be treated in the strictest confidence. I regret that this request will only reach those on Facebook. Could I ask that you pass on this request to other judges who will not see this on Facebook, and ask them to contact me by email, telephone or messenger, to let me have their views. It is important that we gather as much preliminary information as possible.
No decisions should be reached by the KC without factual evidence. I ask all breed specialist judges to do nothing yet, but let us see what emerges within the next few months.
You are crucial to this sport, and you have voice that must be listened to.
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The KC and it’s greed yet again damaging dogdom. I certainly will not pay for the pleasure of judging dogs, it’s already bad enough being expected to do it for free. There needs to be a serious overhaul of the KC and it’s nose pointed in the direction of what it should be doing for dogs and not about what it can do to fleece people of their hard earned cash.