Chow Chow Breed Critique

Chow Chow

Chow Chow
Leeds Championship Show
27 July 2018
Chow Chow
BEST OF BREED : 1284 HOLLIES, Mr P A & CARR Miss T A Ch Janqbu Justifying Jacob JW
Best Dog : 1284 HOLLIES, Mr P A & CARR Miss T A Ch Janqbu Justifying Jacob JW
Res Best Dog : 1283 GODBER Mr S B & Mrs P M Kwaitang Kole Porter At Lechan
Best Bitch : 1277 COLE Mr M Alice In Wonderland Laska Faina (Imp)
Res Best Bitch : 1287 KING Mrs J G Shulian Shimmering Star at Kweichow
Best Puppy : 1287 KING Mrs J G Shulian Shimmering Star at Kweichow
I was delighted with the entry considering there were no CCs on offer. Lots of quality here today and all coped well with the very warm and humid conditions. Sincere thanks to my excellent stewards.
Class 357 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1286 IRWING Mrs T Hilltoppride Kingman At Beaconpride. Well balanced and quite short coupled. Well placed ears which could be a shade smaller. Clean eyes. Decent breadth and depth of chest. Sound and free moving.
2nd: 1288 PHILLIPS Mrs F Fulang's Fantom Of The Opera. Just seven months old. An attractive prospect. Very typical head and expression, well ribbed and high set, well carried tail. Moved soundly.
Class 358 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1286 IRWING Mrs T Hilltoppride Kingman At Beaconpride
Class 359 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1282 GODBER Mr S B & Mrs P M Jenrene's Mighty Zack At Lechan. Broad skull, nest well placed ears and good breadth of muzzle. Clean, dark eyes. Decent bone and feet. Compact and well ribbed. Moved well both out and back.
2nd: 1289 PHILLIPS Mrs F Fulang's Red Hot Super Bob. Masculine with a pleasing, typical head and expression. A fraction longer than the winner. Moved soundly and was shown in a good coat.
Class 360 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1284 HOLLIES, Mr P A & CARR Miss T A Ch Janqbu Justifying Jacob JW. Best Dog and BOB. Shown in excellent coat and condition. Masculine head with small, well placed ears, clean dark eyes, good breadth of muzzle. Well boned with neat feet. Good depth of chest and length of rib. True both up and down and absolutely typical in profile. Excellent temperament.
2nd: 1283 GODBER Mr S B & Mrs P M Kwaitang Kole Porter At Lechan. A handsome dog with a good head, decent breadth of skull and muzzle, small ears and clean eye. Good forehand with depth and breadth of chest. Compact and absolutely sound on the move. Reserve Best Dog.
3rd: 1273 CAREY Mr T Multi Jun Ch Ch Imposing Ring Kung Cunami (Imp)
Class 363 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1287 KING Mrs J G Shulian Shimmering Star at Kweichow. Best Puppy and Reserve Best Bitch. In my notes I wrote “CC Quality” and I was informed after judging that she already has one ticket and I can quite see why. Beautifully balanced with a lovely head and expression, short coupled and compactly made with a high set, well carried tail. Sound, true and typical on the move.
2nd: 1292 WEBB Ms J Shadadee's Kausing Khaos At Chifido. A shade plainer in head than the winner but she is well made and pleasing to handle with good bone and rib. Moved out well and in good coat for age.
3rd: 1274 CAREY Mr T Ottawa Cunami
Class 364 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1287 KING Mrs J G Shulian Shimmering Star at Kweichow
2nd: 1278 EVANS Mrs S Sawsee Shiraz Simcha. Attractive head and expression, good ears, clean eyes. Well ribbed and very pleasing on the move.
3rd: 1279 FITZPATRICK Ms C Showchans Star Of Kwan Yin
Class 365 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1281 FLAVELL Miss B Willchow Absolute Fabulous With Siamdel. Lots to admire about this well made bitch, good head and expression, compactly made and decent double coat. Unfortunately she was upset by the rumbling of the thunder and refused to use her tail. Sound moving.
Class 366 OB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1277 COLE Mr M Alice In Wonderland Laska Faina (Imp). Best Bitch. Pleasing head, good breadth of skull, clean eye, broad muzzle. Good breadth and depth of chest, good spring of rib and well set and carried tail. Good bone. Sound and most typical on the move.
Judge: Tom Mather

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