Papillon Breed Critique


The Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club
Championship Show – 21/4/2018

I was delighted to be invited to judge the dogs at this show. Papillons are a breed I have admired for a great many years. As a schoolboy I used to attend all of the Merseyside Toydog Shows and the breed always had a strong following in the area with exhibitors of the calibre of Laurence Rattigan, Mabel Jukes and of course, Ellis Hulme. Thank you to the officers and committee for their kindness and hospitality, my two excellent stewards and to the exhibitors for their sporting good manners.
Minor Puppy
1 Langdon’s Skyvana Van Helsing. Ultra-smart and very composed. Most impressive on the move with a light true action and a keen positive attitude. Good ear placement, fine muzzle. Good topline, tailset and carriage.
2 Anderson’s Northlyte Spirit of the Isle. Pretty and dainty, very good body and rib for a youngster, well set ears, alert expression. Good forehand. Most promising.
3 Milroy’sFarthinghall Ever Faith’s
1 Griffiths’ Manawyddan Victor Hugo. Rather raw but I thought he had plenty of potential. Attractive head with fine muzzle, large, well-set ears with decent fringing. Good front, some length to body and excellent topline and tailset. Moved out well and kept a good outline at all times.
2 Olof’s Tarnock Rock N Roll Rene. He too is a good quality puppy. With a lovely head and expression, some depth of chest, strong loin and good topline and tailset. Moved soundly and in good coat for age. Not quite the body condition of the winner as yet.
3 Stanbury’s Tijuana Double Trouble
1 Osborne’s Tykkdewas Toffee Delight. Very showy and beautifully presented with large, well placed fringed ear. Good muzzle. Pleasing spring of rib with firm topline and good tailset. Moved with a light, steady action.
2 Whitehill & Urwin’s Paparottsie Talk the Talk. Very pretty and elegant with a lovely head and ears. Correct silky coat, good body, well set tail which could be a little more arched for perfection. Once settled, moved well.
3 Slater’s Baillion Black Osbidian
1 Munn’s Ringlands Timeless Gift. Dainty. Shown in excellent coat, body and muscular condition. Slightly rounded skull, good ears and fringing. Very good spring of rib and well set and carried tail. Strong fine bone. Very impressive on the move with a light, fluid action.
2 Wilson’s Amicae Badger. Close up with an attractive head and alert expression, very good body and rib. Good topline and well carried tail. Good quality coat. Sound and true on the move.
3 Morley & Hitchcock’s Elfuago Bombastic
1 Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie. Mature but in no way overdone 9 months old puppy. Excellent type and balance. Fine muzzle, alert expression enhanced by large, well fringed ears. Very good body for age, typical feet and his movement and deportment was exemplary. Best Dog Puppy and with the agreement of my co-judge Mrs Roe B.P.I.S.
2 Maskell & Waller’s Kazkell Dream In A Million with Lilnrose. Pretty yet masculine head and expression, good topline, well set and carried tail, less finished than the winner and not quite as steady on the move as yet.
1 Urquhart’s Blackpark Tim. Shown in lovely coat and body condition, good skull, fine muzzle. Well ribbed with good tailset and carriage. Moved ok.
1 Borg’s Elendil Bellman. Handsome and elegant with a lovely head and expression, large mobile ears with good fringes. Well laid shoulders and fine bone. Nicely plumed tail with level topline. Very good coat texture.
2 Orchard’s Panspayon Eye of the Storm. A very attentive showman and most impressive on the move with his light true action. Pleasing head and expression, well ribbed. Profuse silky coat.
3 Cox’s Amicae Moonshine for Temelora
Post Graduate
1 Boughton & Stanbury’s Inixia Follower of Fashion. Very typey and well balanced with a lovely head, fine muzzle and large, well fringed ears. Good forehand with strong fine bone and typical feet. A very good moving dog who made the most of himself at all times.
2 Morrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora. Phalene with a most attractive head and keen expression. Good depth of chest, well ribbed, nicely plumed tail. Fine quality silky coat. A tad untidy coming towards me but impressed in profile with his good carriage and deportment.
3 Bull’s Altaya Star Attraction
Mid Limit
1 Buss’ Flutura’s Something Special. In my notes, I wrote C.C. quality and he pushed the ultimate winners hard today. Most attractive head with large, mobile, well-fringed ears. Fine muzzle. Lovely strong white teeth. Lovely body with good topline and well carried tail. True and sound on the move both up and down. Shown in peak form and condition.
2 Whitehill & Urwin’s Paparottsie Heart Beats at Amicae. Close up and he too is so typical and beautifully balanced. Good skull. Large fringed ears. Well ribbed body with good depth of brisket. Excellent coat texture.
3 Walsh’s Purepixie Swish and Flick
1 Morrell’s Temelora Let It Be Magic. Presents a most attractive overall picture with his good head, fine muzzle and large ears. Sturdy yet dainty well ribbed body with good depth of chest. Lovely coat. Very good hind action.
2 Davidson’s Northlyte Genesis of Elmaraine NAF TAF. Pretty and dainty with large, well fringed mobile ears. Well ribbed. Sound on the move and in excellent condition.
3 Hobson’s Grinsdales Gigalo at Rosenjon
A lovely class.
1 Anderson’s Ch Frasermar Storm in the Snow. I thought he was lovely, I see from my records that he won a good class under me in 2015 when he was in different ownership and he has fulfilled his early promise. Grand head and expression with large, well fringed ears. Good froehand, well ribbed body with strong loin and nicely plumed tail. Very typical feet. Most impressive on the move and coupled with this he is a first class showman. C.C. and with the agreement of Mrs Roe he won B.I.S.
2 Miller & Ryan’s Feorlig Smarty Pants. Pushed hard for the top spot and he too is a showman par excellence who was presented to very best advantage. Good skull, large fringed ears and fine muzzle. Lovely body and muscle tone. Most impressive on the move with a light easy action. Reserve C.C.
3 Rajala’s Mohairs Pontiac Connection
Another good class with lots of delightful veterans.
1 Thompson & Austin’s Jhanakia Highland Destiny. Dainty and elegant with a very pretty head and expression. Good ears with heavy silky fringes. Excellent topline with nicely plumed tail. Fine bone, typical feet. He has a light, sound easy action and his good carriage commanded a second look.
2 Maskell’s Kazkell Thyme to Dream JW ShCM. Another very good moving dog who was presented to best advantage, fine quality coat, alert expression, soundly made all through.
3 Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW
Open Phalene
1 Caton’s Lennox Vive Vanette at Henrix. Nicely rounded skull, dark well, placed eyes, nicely fringed ears. Deep brisket, well ribbed with good tailset and carriage. Moved well. Best Phalene in Show.
2 Sparkes’ Pinkmead Twistin Time. Beautifully presented with a good quality coat. Pleasing head with well carried ears. Fine muzzle, good body. Nicely plumed tail. Sound and accurate on the move.
3 Waller & Maskell’s Lilnrose Ears Looking at you Kazkell
Judge: Tom Mather

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