Japanese Chin Breed Critique

Japanese Chin

Japanese Chin
APRIL 3RD 2018
Absolutely delighted to be asked to judge Best In Show at this society after holding the secretary position for the last 20 years approximately. I wish the new set of committee and the secretary (my granddaughter) all the best for the future.
BEST IN SHOW Pearse & Hann’s Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin Japanese Chin lovely head with broad skull, well bodied, fine bone and well feathered down to feet, excellent coat soft and straight in tip top condition, stylish precise movement could not deny the placing today.
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW Peterson’s T roopersway Gladiator JW Beagle another showing well for his handler pleasing head with defined stop and equal distance from nose to occiput, well laid shoulders, straight forelegs with round bone, move driving from the rear.
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Anthony & Hopewell’s Staratlantas out a Time taf Irish Setter a very promising puppy balanced head, clean neck, correct shoulder placement, good top line standing and kept on the move correct coat colour and texture, moved with , and drive.
RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Desmond’s Elitebulls Challenger SBT smooth coated well balanced, strong and muscular, broad skull, distinctive stop and pronounced cheek muscles , clean neck, strong and muscled throughout moved freely with drive, altogether a very nice picture.
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW Sampson Stocklore Wizard of the Forest SHcm Dalmatian well balanced, outgoing and friendly, strong jaw with scissor bite, round compact cat like feet, good turn of stifle and second thigh, good coat short and dence.
RESERVE BEST VETERAN IN SHOW Phillips CH Curtisey Boogy Woogy JW Min Wire-Haired Dach. Good confirmation and front construction, well ribbed, moved with drive, handler getting the best from him.
Judge Joyce Whiting (Rodale)

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