Ibizan Hound Breed Critique

Ibizan Hound

Ibizan Hound
Bath Championship Show
Monday 29th May 2017
Miss M L Clark

Puppy Dog (0,0)
Junior Dog (0,0)
Post Graduate Dog(1,0)
Limit Dog (2,1)
1st – Mr N D & Mrs A Carter’s Afilador Thunderbolt
This young dog Oozed breed type to me. Lovely head with good expression. Ears well set and used to his advantage throughout the class and in the challenge. Good lay of shoulder leading into a good front. Good depth of chest. Moved out like a true Ibizan should showing off his suspended trot. Pleased to award him RBD.
Open Dog (2,2)
1st – Woodcock’s Snowleif Turn The Page
Another dog who shouted breed type to me. Lovely head with a good expression. Following nicely to a pleasing lean neck of good length. Lovely length of shoulder. Well muscled. Good fore and hindquarters. Good set-on tail and carried well on the move. Another dog that moved true coming and going. And showed off his suspended trot when viewed in profile. Pleased to award him BD & BOS.
2nd – Carter & Hozempa’s CH Amahte Runnin On Jamaican Time (IMP) JW ShCm
Pleasing head. Would prefer a better eye set. Lovely lean neck of good length. Pleasing forequarters. Well muscled. Immaculately presented, too curvy in outline. Tail tend to curl within self when on the move.

Puppy Bitch (0,0)
Junior Bitch (0,0)
Post Graduate Bitch (3,3)
1st- Benstead’s Plymouth Road Runner Van Oxymoron At Itibi (IMP NLD)
A lovely young bitch that did catch my eye as she came into the ring. Upon appearance still looked a baby in the class but plenty of time to mature. Lovely typical head with correct ear set showing off the desired expression. Good lay of shoulder with plenty of muscle. Lovely overall outline. Moved out well with a beautiful suspended trot. Tail tend to curl within self when on the move. RBB
2nd – Hamilton & Rainsbury’s – Kalo Skilo’s Rose De Immortal Juno With Harrisclub (IMP)
Very close to 1. Loved this bitch from the moment I first saw her and she did not disappoint. Beautiful Head and expression. Lovely lean neck. Pleasing forequarters with plenty of muscle. Lovely arched feet. Nothing over exaggerated or overdone about this w/c bitch. Just preferred the hind movement on 1. Moved out well showing off the desired suspended trot.
3rd – Carter’s Afilador Room On The Broom

Limit Bitch (2,1)
1st – Woodcock’s Gartlove Gabbana
Pleasing c/w bitch of pleasing proportions. Good head – would like a slightly better shape of eye. Good set on of ears which she used well. Long lean neck. Good topline, would like a slightly shorter loin. Moved and handled well.
Open Bitch (2,2)
1st – Hall’s Afilador Pandemonium
This was another bitch I had seen at shows and admired from the ringside. She certainly didn’t disappoint me when I got my hands on her. Beautiful head, well set ears. Which she didn’t always use to her advantage but when she did gave off a beautiful expression. Lovely lean neck. Good lay of shoulder – well muscled. Lovely tight feet. Good hindquarters. Moved out with ease showing off that desired suspended trot. Thrilled to award her BB & BOB
2nd- Carter & Channon’s Afilador Hint of Jasmine
Pleasing 7 year old c/w bitch. Good head. Would like better eye shape. Good lean neck. Lovely tight feet. Good topline. Moved and handled well.
Veteran Dog or Bitch (3,2)
1st- Woodcock’s Benjique Flavius Baby
The one and only w/c rough of the day. This dog doesn’t show his age at all and ticked all the boxes for me. Lovely head with good set on of ears. Although he wasn’t always wanting to use his ears – when he did, showing off a lovely expression. Lovely arched neck. Good fore and hind quarters. Well muscled. Moved and handled well. Pleased to award him BVIB
2nd – Carter & Channon’s Afilador Moonlight Shadow Sh.CM
The one and only c/w rough! Close to his 9th birthday and really not looking it! His young handler really got the best out of him encouraging him to do all she was asking – not easy with such a big dog for a small handler!! Pleasing head and expression. Good lay of shoulder, well muscled. Moved well.

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