Thank you for allowing me the pleasure to go over your dogs.
Good entry marred by absentees due to the inclement weather but I still had enough quality animals and was happy with my winners.
Surface very uneven and could have done with being mown.
Mouths are still a problem, missing premolars, uneven bites and one undershot mouth.
Two dish faces which I noticed were from the same sire. So perhaps more care around breeding should be taken to avoid this becoming a problem.
Round bulbous eyes on some exhibits, spoiling the overall expression. Large flat ears are also noticeable in some animals, not the small rose called for in the standard.
Movement on the whole was poor, correct roadwork and free running is a must for this breed. Muscle tone is lacking in many, which again can be improved with correct exercise. In some classes I had to be less rigorous on hind movement.
Tail carriage on some was too high and some even curly, spoiling the rear movement of the dogs.
Some were lacking the required width behind, being very narrow between the pin bones.
Breed type disparity was quite obvious. In the past there were still dogs with faults but they all looked like the came from one breed population.
However on the plus side, I was very pleased with my main winners, who all excelled in breed type.
Personally I don’t care where a dog comes from, as long as it fits the U.K. breed standard. My BOB was bred in Hungary and resident in France but fitted the U.K. standard and was sound.
P (1). 1. Turner and Gallery’s, Stableview Spindle Willow. 10 mth bl/wh. Good bite. Masculine head, well angulated front, correct top line, movement difficult to assess due to typical puppy nonsense.
J (5).
1. Jackson’s, Charnealis Old Black Magic At Padztar. 15 mth sable dog, pleasing size, best mover in this class. Good dentition, dark almond eye, arched neck into good shoulders, excellent hind angulation. Still needs to drop in chest but he has plenty of time to do that.
2. Smettem Minson’s, Donskoi Romeo At Chywoon. 16 mth wh/grey, good dentition, arched neck, correct top line, good bend of stifle, low set hocks. Another who just needs to drop in chest.
3. Raczka’s, Jamarqui Alchemy Argent.
PG (2, 1abs).
1. Jackson’s, Harropine Odin At Padztar. Gold/wh dog, in beautiful coat and condition. Correct bite, Pleasing head with good veining and dark eye. Small neat, rose ears. Arched neck into well laid shoulders, correct top line, bodying up nicely. Fantastic hind angulation and hind quarters. Can be a bit naughty with his tail but certainly no curl here.
L (3,2). 3 quality dogs who could easily change places on another day.
1. Graham’s, Dashava Calgary, mahogany red dog, typical head, good bite, dark eye, well arched neck into well laid shoulders, well angulated front and rear, low set hocks, moved well. Would like him a couple of pounds lighter. RCC.
2. Wheatley’s, Russkiy Azart Ambassador Reality Rondo. Cream and white, different type from 1, good dentition, lovely dark eye, small neat ears, arched neck, correct top line, excellent hindquarters. Could do with being moved a little faster. But a sound dog.
3. Donnelly’s, Donskoi Ivanoff.
O (7) Spoiled for choice, all quality dogs, with some having to go unplaced.
1. Vereczki’s, Go Go Bolshoi Huckleberry, bl/wh, good dentition, quality head, dark eye, with dark 3rd eyelids, arched neck into well laid shoulders, correct top line, well angulated hindquarters, low set hocks, moved well. Very houndy type we were more used to 20/30 years ago. Fits the U.K. standard beautifully, showing that where a dog comes from is irrelevant when it has good breed type. CC & BOB.
2. Dawson’s, Ch.Tschernigow Kalinow At Stubbylee. White with a silvery brindle. His head is a bit strong for my taste but behind the head he is glorious to go over. Arched neck into well laid shoulders, fantastic front, excellent depth of chest, correct top line and excellent hind angulation and low set hocks. Presented to perfection, perhaps starting to show his age a little but still has wonderful movement.
3. Collinson’s, Ch. Hogsmeade Harry Potter.
P (3)
1. Dawson’s, Metel Avgusta Ala Azul At Stubbylee. Well what a little Christmas cracker this is! 8 mth old. Very pretty self black of the type I like but becoming rarer. Excellent dentition, feminine head, with good veining, dark eye with black 3rd eyelid finishing off the expression. Well angulated front, still needs to drop in chest as is to be expected at this tender age. Wonderful broad hind quarters that are well angulated. Still a little naughty at times on the move but when settled moved well for one so young. Pushed the big girls very hard for reserve ticket. Best Puppy.
2. Rogerson’s, Donskoi Baristinya, 9 mths, r/w, good bite, pretty head, correct top line, still needs to drop in chest. Moved well for her age. Just needs time.
3. Johnson’s, Sukeshi Maria Alexandrova.
J (4,3)
1. Gianntti and Krishan’s, Charnealis Odessa With Aftershine. 14 mths r/w, still very raw, correct bite, pretty head with dark almond eye. Arched neck correct top line, moved well.
PG (2)
1. Humphreys’. Ryazan Fleur, full dentition, dark eye, small rose ears, arched neck, good shoulders, well angulated behind, moved well.
2. Gianntti and Krishan’s, Charnealis Babushka With Aftershine, mahogany/wh, wouldn’t be handled, which was a great pity as she has a pleasing head and outline.
L (6,2)
1. Stuart’s, Rhyxankei Royal Spinel At Tolstoy, Black with brindle points. Lovely well veined head, darkest of eyes with black 3rd eyelids, very houndy bitch, arched neck, well laid shoulders, great depth of chest, good bend of stifle and length of 2nd thigh. Could have been my winner but rear movement needs to tighten. RCC.
2. Devereux’s, Serenfol Alicja, Brindle/wh, good bite, pleasing head but would prefer darker eye. Arched neck, well laid shoulders, good top line, lovely broad hindquarters, one of the few that was well muscled today, having obviously had the right exercise.
3. Conroy’s, Quarentas Life’s First Love At Enolam.
O (4,1)
1. Collinson’s, Hogsmeade Hollygolightly, r/w bitch who I feel has been over looked, classic head, well veined, dark eye, neat rose ears, well arched neck, well angulated shoulders and return of upper arm. Excellent depth of chest, correct top line, good bend of stifle and length of 2nd thigh, sailed around the ring, pleased to award her CC and BOS.
2. Eardley’s, Ryazan Perdita Of Hillohawks, 7 yr old self red, good bite, typical head with correct veining and dark eye. Arched neck, good shoulders, correct top line, well angulated hindquarters. Not her usual runner which unfortunately affected her movement and cost her the reserve.
3. Dawson’s, Ch. Stubbylee Prima Donna.
V (1)
1. Conroy’s, Donskoi Nochka Of Enolam, an old favourite of mine who still looks fabulous but is starting to show her 9 years. Although I’d like more front angulation, she excels in breed type, good top line, profuse coat, good bend of stifle and length of 2nd thigh. She can still show some of the younger animals how to move. BV
Edward McKenzie (Judge)
Thank you for allowing me the pleasure to go over your dogs.
Good entry marred by absentees due to the inclement weather but I still had enough quality animals and was happy with my winners.
Surface very uneven and could have done with being mown.
Mouths are still a problem, missing premolars, uneven bites and one undershot mouth.
Two dish faces which I noticed were from the same sire. So perhaps more care around breeding should be taken to avoid this becoming a problem.
Round bulbous eyes on some exhibits, spoiling the overall expression. Large flat ears are also noticeable in some animals, not the small rose called for in the standard.
Movement on the whole was poor, correct roadwork and free running is a must for this breed. Muscle tone is lacking in many, which again can be improved with correct exercise. In some classes I had to be less rigorous on hind movement.
Tail carriage on some was too high and some even curly, spoiling the rear movement of the dogs.
Some were lacking the required width behind, being very narrow between the pin bones.
Breed type disparity was quite obvious. In the past there were still dogs with faults but they all looked like the came from one breed population.
However on the plus side, I was very pleased with my main winners, who all excelled in breed type.
Personally I don’t care where a dog comes from, as long as it fits the U.K. breed standard. My BOB was bred in Hungary and resident in France but fitted the U.K. standard and was sound.
P (1). 1. Turner and Gallery’s, Stableview Spindle Willow. 10 mth bl/wh. Good bite. Masculine head, well angulated front, correct top line, movement difficult to assess due to typical puppy nonsense.
J (5).
1. Jackson’s, Charnealis Old Black Magic At Padztar. 15 mth sable dog, pleasing size, best mover in this class. Good dentition, dark almond eye, arched neck into good shoulders, excellent hind angulation. Still needs to drop in chest but he has plenty of time to do that.
2. Smettem Minson’s, Donskoi Romeo At Chywoon. 16 mth wh/grey, good dentition, arched neck, correct top line, good bend of stifle, low set hocks. Another who just needs to drop in chest.
3. Raczka’s, Jamarqui Alchemy Argent.
PG (2, 1abs).
1. Jackson’s, Harropine Odin At Padztar. Gold/wh dog, in beautiful coat and condition. Correct bite, Pleasing head with good veining and dark eye. Small neat, rose ears. Arched neck into well laid shoulders, correct top line, bodying up nicely. Fantastic hind angulation and hind quarters. Can be a bit naughty with his tail but certainly no curl here.
L (3,2). 3 quality dogs who could easily change places on another day.
1. Graham’s, Dashava Calgary, mahogany red dog, typical head, good bite, dark eye, well arched neck into well laid shoulders, well angulated front and rear, low set hocks, moved well. Would like him a couple of pounds lighter. RCC.
2. Wheatley’s, Russkiy Azart Ambassador Reality Rondo. Cream and white, different type from 1, good dentition, lovely dark eye, small neat ears, arched neck, correct top line, excellent hindquarters. Could do with being moved a little faster. But a sound dog.
3. Donnelly’s, Donskoi Ivanoff.
O (7) Spoiled for choice, all quality dogs, with some having to go unplaced.
1. Vereczki’s, Go Go Bolshoi Huckleberry, bl/wh, good dentition, quality head, dark eye, with dark 3rd eyelids, arched neck into well laid shoulders, correct top line, well angulated hindquarters, low set hocks, moved well. Very houndy type we were more used to 20/30 years ago. Fits the U.K. standard beautifully, showing that where a dog comes from is irrelevant when it has good breed type. CC & BOB.
2. Dawson’s, Ch.Tschernigow Kalinow At Stubbylee. White with a silvery brindle. His head is a bit strong for my taste but behind the head he is glorious to go over. Arched neck into well laid shoulders, fantastic front, excellent depth of chest, correct top line and excellent hind angulation and low set hocks. Presented to perfection, perhaps starting to show his age a little but still has wonderful movement.
3. Collinson’s, Ch. Hogsmeade Harry Potter.
P (3)
1. Dawson’s, Metel Avgusta Ala Azul At Stubbylee. Well what a little Christmas cracker this is! 8 mth old. Very pretty self black of the type I like but becoming rarer. Excellent dentition, feminine head, with good veining, dark eye with black 3rd eyelid finishing off the expression. Well angulated front, still needs to drop in chest as is to be expected at this tender age. Wonderful broad hind quarters that are well angulated. Still a little naughty at times on the move but when settled moved well for one so young. Pushed the big girls very hard for reserve ticket. Best Puppy.
2. Rogerson’s, Donskoi Baristinya, 9 mths, r/w, good bite, pretty head, correct top line, still needs to drop in chest. Moved well for her age. Just needs time.
3. Johnson’s, Sukeshi Maria Alexandrova.
J (4,3)
1. Gianntti and Krishan’s, Charnealis Odessa With Aftershine. 14 mths r/w, still very raw, correct bite, pretty head with dark almond eye. Arched neck correct top line, moved well.
PG (2)
1. Humphreys’. Ryazan Fleur, full dentition, dark eye, small rose ears, arched neck, good shoulders, well angulated behind, moved well.
2. Gianntti and Krishan’s, Charnealis Babushka With Aftershine, mahogany/wh, wouldn’t be handled, which was a great pity as she has a pleasing head and outline.
L (6,2)
1. Stuart’s, Rhyxankei Royal Spinel At Tolstoy, Black with brindle points. Lovely well veined head, darkest of eyes with black 3rd eyelids, very houndy bitch, arched neck, well laid shoulders, great depth of chest, good bend of stifle and length of 2nd thigh. Could have been my winner but rear movement needs to tighten. RCC.
2. Devereux’s, Serenfol Alicja, Brindle/wh, good bite, pleasing head but would prefer darker eye. Arched neck, well laid shoulders, good top line, lovely broad hindquarters, one of the few that was well muscled today, having obviously had the right exercise.
3. Conroy’s, Quarentas Life’s First Love At Enolam.
O (4,1)
1. Collinson’s, Hogsmeade Hollygolightly, r/w bitch who I feel has been over looked, classic head, well veined, dark eye, neat rose ears, well arched neck, well angulated shoulders and return of upper arm. Excellent depth of chest, correct top line, good bend of stifle and length of 2nd thigh, sailed around the ring, pleased to award her CC and BOS.
2. Eardley’s, Ryazan Perdita Of Hillohawks, 7 yr old self red, good bite, typical head with correct veining and dark eye. Arched neck, good shoulders, correct top line, well angulated hindquarters. Not her usual runner which unfortunately affected her movement and cost her the reserve.
3. Dawson’s, Ch. Stubbylee Prima Donna.
V (1)
1. Conroy’s, Donskoi Nochka Of Enolam, an old favourite of mine who still looks fabulous but is starting to show her 9 years. Although I’d like more front angulation, she excels in breed type, good top line, profuse coat, good bend of stifle and length of 2nd thigh. She can still show some of the younger animals how to move. BV
Edward McKenzie (Judge)
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